Monday 21 September 2009

The Changing Face of Jennifer Lopez

InStyle Magazine
Jennifer is truly a dominant force, her image covers part of the title showing that she is important, even more so than the magazine itself. The fact that she is wearing a black and white dress whilst she is wearing red lipstick conveys the image of power and high social status. However, Jennifer is standing side on with one hand on her hip, showing her in a more softer way than if she was standing face on to the camera. She is also showing off her figure and the detail of the dress, highlighting that this is a high end fashion magazine. Her hairstyle even conveys dominance and power, it is pulled off her face and seems tight and uncomfortable, a hairstyle usually associated with business women. Although Jennifer looks friendly here, she is also showing that she is a force to be reckoned with and should'nt be written off.
The text on the magazine is all about fashion, this is why the anchorage text for the image is small and in the corner; the article on Jennifer is not about fashion or products. The text also follows the red, white and black theme as too many colours make a magazine look trashy, this is exactly what InStyle wants to avoid.

Again, the image of Jennifer covers part of the title. However, this time she covers quite a large section of the title, it's as if Cosmo is showing off, you don't need to see all of the title but you still know what the magazine is called.
This image focuses on Jennifer having a fiery attitude, she is wearing a long low cut red dress, with red being a sexy colour here. She is face on to the camera in a dominant manner, unlike InStyle her power is sexuality here. This is heightened by her sultry look and her hair flowing everywhere, showing she has a 'wild side' that has been tamed.
The colour scheme is red, orange and yellow, with the text, background and dress all conforming to this theme. these colours have been chosen to portray the image of 'Latino Heat', attitude and sexiness are important to this magazine as women aspire to be like the cover woman.
The anchorage text to her image is again small, this is so your attention is brought to the other headlines which mainly focus on sex. As your attention is brought to her image and these headlines you instantly combine the two and think of Jennifer Lopez as sexy.

Jennifer's image covers part of the title again, but this time it is only a very small section, now she is only slightly more important than the magazine.
In the image she is wearing a small bikini in a pale blue, it's almost as if it isn't there which is very appealing to the male audience, she is a sex symbol now, the photo is taken on sand against a clear blue background, she is in most peoples idyllic place with her being the ideal woman. The anchorage text also reads 'Goddess', Jennifer is the 'tanned beach goddess' that men wish they could take or meet on holiday.
Jennifer is on her knees in this image, putting her in a less powerful position than if she was standing face on. Having her hand on her hip emphasises her curves, sort of highlighting them and by her leaning to the side she looks more curvy and shows off her flat stomach. Her face in the image is pouty and seductive, it is as if she knows that she is a sex icon and is confident with this image.
Right next to Jennifers head is the headline 'Sex Mad' for another article, instantly it seems as if Jennifer herself is thinking that she is 'sex mad'. The image seems degrading as she no longer seems 'sexy' but she is now a sex icon or symbol making her seem like an object rather than human. But I can see how this image would be appealing to men as they are not aspiring to be like the women on the cover but to have them.

The image of Jennifer Lopez evolves into a mature acclimatised one on this cover, the days of FHM or Cosmo seems far behind as she settles into motherhood.
The dress chosen is in a neutral colour, brown, so that the focus of the image is on her babies, as they mean everything to her now. The silk shows sophistication and that fact that it is browny-gold shows her maturity.
The big smile and slightly tilted head gives us a friendly impression, this is heightened by the fact that she is holding babies - she is giving us a motherly welcome. The settee she is sitting on makes us feel as she has invited us round for a 'chit-chat', the whole setting looks comfortable and inviting.
The colours used are warm and all compliment each other. The magazine title is in purple, which blends in with the colour scheme rather than being harsh and standing out. Jennifer looks bright, almost as if she is giving off a 'motherly glow'. This brings all our attention to her, also the text on the magazine is all about her and her babies (apart from a small image and headline at the top), there is no distraction from Jennifer Lopez.

Jennifer has changed from a sex symbol to a sophisticated mother in the space of a few years. These magazines have portrayed her image in such a way so that we can see how she evolves into what seems like a different woman in each magazine.