Thursday 21 January 2010

Block Title Analysis

  • Target Audience: Males, 15 -24, although their main readership is in the category 15-44 the chances of someone over the age of 30 reading Kerrang! is slim. This due to the font, colour and connotations that the magazine title carries.
    The word 'Kerrang!' is onomatopoeic, it is supposed to sound like the voilent strumming of a guitar; this suggests the genre of the magazine which is rock music.
    Font: Distorted edges connoting urban and industrial living - the readers are 'rough round the edges' and have a more edgy look to them.
  • Capital Letters - Attracts the readership through its boldness; directly related to the world being onomatopoeic, helps us visualise the guitar noise
    Colour: The black fits in with the readership as it follows the stereotypical view of their readers being 'emo's' and 'goths'
  • The word looks as if it has been smashed; this connotes the recklessness of the readership and their lack of fear of authorities
  • The 'A' doesnt follow the convention of the alphabet, as they chose to fill the letter 'A', this could be seen as a form of anarchy and is the magazines subtle way of 'sticking it to the man', something their readership can reflect on.

  • Target Audience: Males, 15-24, although with this magazine it is more likely that the readership could be older than 24 than it is for Kerrang!
  • NME stands for 'New Musical Express' this reflects the young readership who are discovering who they are and what type of music they like, the magazine offers self discovery.
  • Font: Bold Lettering - Attracting the youth, being bold and reflecting teenagers want of being 'different'. The pointed bottom of the 'M' connotes the magazine being cutting edge and offering new music to its young readers
  • Colours - The red, white and black connote boldness; something the readership searches for seeing as the magazine showcases indie music
  • The readership probably spends their time seeing various bands in different venues.
  • Heat magazine of the music world- heavily features gossip from the music world
  • Prounounced 'Enemy' - again 'sticking it to the man' its enemy is popular culture, the same enemy as its readership.

  • Target Audience: Males, 24-44, Mojo which means 'talent' appeals to the adult audience because it reports on all types of music.
  • Mojo- connotes a type of power, directly related to the 70's when people started to express themselves and free themselves from various rules by experimenting with sex,drugs and music.
  • Black and white colour theme connotes simplicity; something that the readership used to enjoy before we entered the 'pace age'. The font is also very simple too, again connoting the same ideology.
  • The shadowing effect behind the lettering gives the readership the idea of night-time and going out and having fun.
  • Classic rock, in-depth coverage of classic and cult acts - suited for the readership that looks for more of an article than a collage of pictures.

  • Target Audience: Males, 24-44, (woman are aimed too), readership is older due to the fact the features are more in-depth, also the artists are 'serious' ones, acts such as McFly and Busted wouldnt feature
  • The single lettered title is prominent on the news stands, seeing as other magazines have whole word titles
  • Colours: Red and white - background of red connotes power and danger, with it standing out in the music stand and the white demonstrates how pretigious the magazine is. This is heightened by the fact that the rating Q gives a magazine features on the artists advertising campaign. Also the read and white would appeal to the English readership as these are the colours of the national flag.
  • The 'Q' leans slightly to the left; this shows that the magazine not only covers mainstream acts but also 'left-field' acts that don't usually get coverage in the main news press.
  • The shadowing effect connotes how Q's readership follows them; we trust in the magazine.

1 comment:

  1. Again very thoughtful analysis. This will help you when designing your own title block!
