Thursday 4 February 2010

Questionairre Results

From my questionairre I found out various information which will help me when it comes to creating my magazine. Some of my results could not be put onto pie-charts, but i found out from them that my target audience are willing to pay on average £2 for a music magazine. Those who currently read music magazines purchase NME and Q, this gives me an insight into the type of music they want covered in their magazines.

From this question I found out that most people would like the magazine released fortnightly, this would give more time to create the in-depth articles that they would also like to feature.

I found out that recognisable artists and exclusive interviews attract my target audience most to music magazines. They want to feel that they are learning things about their favourite artists that they can't access elsewhere.

Cover mounted CD's and free posters attract my target audience most to music magazines. However if the magazine was fortnightly a cover mounted CD would not be possible.

I found out that readers would not mind reading about up and coming artists. This gives them the sense that they are discovering artists that have the potential to become big before anyone else.

Seeing as the results came back half and half I will attempt to balance between content and imagery to keep everyone happy.

This helped to prove that there was a gap in the market for my magazine. Seeing as the majority of my target audience are not currently reading a music magazine shows that publishing companies are not providing for young females.

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